• 供应QUV紫外光加速老化试验机


     品牌:广东DELTA仪器  型号:咨询  加工定制:是  
     外形尺寸:咨询 mm 重量:咨询 ㎏ 产品用途:能重现太阳光、雨水和露水造成的  

    QUV紫外加速老化试验机能重现太阳光、雨水和露水造成的损害 。 在几天或几周之内,QUV紫外测试仪就能够再现户外数月或数年造成的损害。模拟户外老化。QUV试验机将材料曝露在交替循环的UV光、可控的湿度及高温环境下。它使用特殊的荧光紫外灯管模拟阳光的照射。用冷凝湿度和/或水喷雾的方法模拟露水和雨水。QUV紫外加速老化试验机是*简单、*可靠、*易用的老化试验机。世界各地使用的QUV试验机达数以淋计,它是世界上使用*广泛的老化试验机。

    QUV - 世界上使用*广泛的老化试验机

    紫外线会造成曝露在户外的耐用材料的光降解。 QUV试验机的紫外荧光灯能模拟关键的短波紫外线,真实地再现由阳光造成的物理性能损伤。 损伤类型包括褪色、光泽消失、粉化、龟裂、开裂、模糊、起泡、脆化、强度减小和氧化。


    露水,而不是雨水,是造成户外潮湿的主要原因。 QUV紫外光加速老化试验机的的冷凝系统*真实地模拟了这种户外潮湿的影响。


    冷凝过程中,会自动净化 水盘中的自来水。这是因为样品上水的蒸发和冷凝过程其实就是一个去除所有杂质的蒸馏过程。参见 LU-0801 - QUV 手册。


    QUV试验机可方便地容纳多达48个样品(75mm x 150mm ),完全符合国际、国家和行业规范,确保了测试程序的可靠性和可重复性。 访问我们的 标准页面 以获取更多信息。



    QUV紫外测试仪的简单而成熟的设计使其易于安装、使用,且几乎免维护。其运作完全自动化,即可以全天候无间断的运行。 功能包括: 







    QUV试验机经济实惠,操作方便,因为它采用了: •低价、长寿命 荧光紫外线灯管 



    型号   (也可参见特点标签) •QUV/基本型:紫外线和冷凝(无辐照控制) 

    (1)•QUV/se:紫外线、冷凝和SOLAR EYE辐照度控制 

    (2)•QUV/spray:紫外线、冷凝、SOLAR EYE辐照度控制和水喷淋 

    (3)•QUV/cw:冷白可见光、冷凝和 SOLAR EYE辐照度控制



    比起其他类型的灯管(包括氙弧灯管),荧光紫外灯管更加稳定。  光谱功率分布(SPD)不会随灯管老化而发生变化,甚至使用高达5000小时也不会。  这样就能得到更多的可重复的测试结果,同时减少更换灯管,并降低运营成本。


    Q-Lab生产的紫外线灯管,比老化行业的所有其他厂家的总和还要多。  Q-Lab的灯管是在我们40多年的经验与荧光紫外技术的基础上,按我们自己特有的规格专门设计的。  我们进行了行业里*严格的质量控制测试。  结果证明,QUV测试仪一如既往地提供了*  一致的、稳定的光谱。 


    几种不同类型的紫外线灯管可应用于不同领域,如下所列。  参见  LU-8160 - QUV灯管的选择和LU-0823 - QUV/cw 综述 以获取更详细的应用指南



    QUV测试仪的UVA-340灯管可提供*佳太阳光模拟光谱,临界短波长范围从365纳米到太阳光截止波长的295纳米。  参见LU-8052 - QUV UVA-340的SPD.



    QUV紫外测试仪的UVA-351灯管可模拟透过窗玻璃的太阳光紫外线部分。  这是*材料测试的室内应用,用来 再现处于窗口附近环境中一些油墨和聚合物的损坏程度。 参见LU-8053 - QUV UVA-351- SPD.



    QUV测试仪 的UVB-313灯管*大限度地利用了比通常出现在地球 表面的紫外线厉害得多的短波紫外线。因此,对于一些材料来说,这些灯管可能会产生不真实的精确结果。UVB-313灯管*好用于质量控制和研发应用,或用于测试非常耐用的材料。  参见LU-8051 - QUV UVB-313EL- SPD.



    也被称为FS-40或F40UVB,这是*初的QUV灯管。  FS-40灯管仍用于  一些传统的汽车试验方法中。QFS-40灯管应仅用于QUV/basic型测试仪。  参见LU-8050 - QUV QFS-40-SPD.



    QUV紫外光加速老化试验机的冷白灯管(仅用于QUV/cw型号)可有效地重现和加速模拟办公和商业环境遇到的室内照明状况,以及零售展示照明状况。  参见LU-8049 - QUV/cw-SPD 




    QUV黑板温度传感器需要由用户定期进行校准,以确保结果准确、一致。 QUV黑板温度传感器的校准快速而简单,并且可用任何标准参考温度计进行校准。 




    除QUV/基本型以外的所有型号,QUV SOLAR EYE 辐照度传感器需要由用户定期进行校准,以确保结果准确、一致。  只需几分钟  就能清除人为错误。  如需了解更多信息,  请参见LU-0801-QUV 手册。



    •CR10 与  UVA-340、UVA-351或UVB-313灯管一起使用 

    •CR10/cw 辐照度计 仅与冷白灯管一起使用



    CR10和CR10/cw辐照度计需每年一次返回到Q-Lab进行重新校准,所需费用很少。参见LW-6008 - Recalibration Return Procedure.  我们的 校准实验室已通过美国实验室认证协会(A2LA - Ohio Certificate Number 2382-01, China Certificate Number 2383-02, 和 England Certificate Number 2383-03) 的ISO 17025认证。  校准起源于美国国家标准和技术研究院(NIST)。




    标准的 样品支架可根据不同厚度所调整,*大厚度为20mm(3/4英寸),并方便快速样品安装。卡环可很好地压紧样品,不需要将测试样品削减到接近容纳范围。


    此外,特殊支架可安装各种产品,如镜头、较大的样品  和3D部件。  也有试样瓶夹具、纺织品夹具和样品的安装。  请参见 LU-8001 - QUV 样品支架 或者 样本安装页面 如需了解更多详细信息,



    为了显著降低QUV紫外测试仪的可选择的水喷淋系统的运行成本,Q-Lab提供了可选的 纯水净化系统 可让重复使用喷淋水,之前这些会直接排入下水道。



    在狭小的实验室中,可用节省空间框架将QUV老化试验机堆叠为两层。参见 LU-0820 - QUV 节省空间说明 以了解更多详细信息。 


    这是一个以经济性为关键考虑的实验室QUV试验机的基本型号。  该QUV/basic型号采用荧光紫外线灯管和冷凝系统模拟光照和湿气。但该型号不包括SOLAR EYE太阳眼 辐照度控制。 因此,光的强度不能调整或校准。这意味着QUV/基本型试验机 不能用于高辐照条件测试。 此外,需要定期更换灯定位调整灯管位置。





    *受欢迎的是QUV型号中的 SOLAR EYE 辐照度控制功能,它能精准保持紫外线强度。 QUV/se试验机使用成熟的制冷机制模拟户外湿气侵袭凝露。


    SOLAR EYE太阳眼系统是一个精密的控制系统,通过反馈回路自动保持光的强度。控制器监测紫外线强度并自动调节灯管的功率输出。 SOLAR EYE太阳眼系统提供: 


    •更长的 灯管寿命 





    关于SOLAR EYE太阳眼辐照度控制系统优点的更多信息, 参见 LU-0801 - QUV 手册。





    短时间的喷淋可用于产生热冲击。更长的时间可以产生机械侵蚀。QUV/spray试验机可以设置为单独紫外线照射、单独喷淋或凝露。 建议所有喷淋都用去离子水。


    QUV/cw 型号

    一些工业测试方法指定使用冷白色荧光灯管 进行室内光稳定性试验。为重现这些室内光线条件,QUV/cw使用普通 冷白色荧光灯管。 它 有SOLAR EYE太阳眼辐照度控制系统,可监测和控制输出可见光,而不是紫外线。 参见 LU-0823 - QUV/cw 概述 了解更多信息。






    标准样品支架可调整为任何厚度,*高为20mm(3/4英寸),并允许快速安装样品。 护环可很好地压紧样品,不需要将测试样品削减到接近容纳范围。此外,自定义支架可安装各种产品,如镜头、 较大的样品、 和3D部件。 参见配件标签或我们的 样品安装页面了解更多信息。


    控制 及可选软件

    QUV 控制器功能强大且易于使用,支持五种可选语言编程(英语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、德语),并且包括完整的自检查错功能。有需要的话,它也能显示简单的警告信息、常规服务提醒或执行安全关机。


    质量体系需要测试条件的证明文档,因此每个QUV试验机都配有以太网连接。可选的“虚拟带状”PC软件允许用户自动记录曝露条件和从QUV试验机直接传输数据到基于Windows系数的计算机。 数据也可以通过电子邮件直接发送到Q-Lab技术支持台,以寻求专家对故障进行诊断和排除。 


    AAMA 624 

     Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for High Performance Organic Coatings on Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Profiles 

    This specification describes test procedures and performance requirements for high performance, organic, coatings applied to fiber reinforced thermoset profiles for windows, doors and similar products. 


    AAMA 624 




    AATCC TM186 

     Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure 

    This test method provides a procedure for the exposure of textile materials of all kinds, including coated fabrics and products made thereof, in a laboratory artificial weathering exposure apparatus employing fluorescent UV lamps as a light source and using condensing humidity and/ or water spray for wetting. 


    AATCC TM186 

    耐候性 紫外线和潮湿曝露测试 



    ASTM C1257 

     Standard Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Solvent-Release-Type Sealants 

    This test method includes two laboratory accelerated exposure procedures for predicting the effects of ultraviolet or ultraviolet/visible radiation, heat, and moisture on color, chalking, cracking, and adhesion of solvent-release sealants. 


    ASTM C1257 




    ASTM C1442 

     Practice for Conducting Tests on Sealants Using Artificial Weathering Apparatus 

    This practice covers three types of laboratory weathering exposure procedures for evaluating the effect of actinic radiation, heat, and moisture on sealants. 


    ASTM C1442 




    ASTM C1501 

     Standard Test Method for Color Stability of Building Construction Sealants as Determined by Laboratory Accelerated Weathering Procedures 

    This test method describes laboratory accelerated weathering procedures using either fluorescent ultraviolet or xenon arc test devices for determining the color stability of building construction sealants. 


    ASTM C1501 




    ASTM C1519 

     Standard Test Method for Evaluating Durability of Building Construction Sealants by Laboratory Accelerated Weathering Procedures 

    This test method covers the method for the determination of the durability of a sealant based on its ability to function in cyclic movement maintaining adhesion and cohesion after repeated exposure to laboratory accelerated weathering procedures. 


    ASTM C1519 




    ASTM C732 

     Standard Test Method for Aging Effects of Artificial Weathering on Latex Sealants 

    This test method covers a laboratory procedure for the determination of aging effects of artificial weathering on latex sealants. 


    ASTM C732 




    ASTM C734 

     Standard Test Method for Low-Temperature Flexibility of Latex Sealants After Artificial Weathering 

    This test method covers a laboratory procedure for the determination of low-temperature flexibility of latex sealants after 500 h artificial weathering. 


    ASTM C734 




    ASTM C793 

     Standard Test Method for Effects of Laboratory Accelerated Weathering on Elastomeric Joint Sealants 

    This test method covers a laboratory procedure for determining the effects of accelerated weathering on cured-in-place elastomeric joint sealants (single- and multi-component) for use in building construction. 


    ASTM C793 




    ASTM D1148 

     Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration-Discoloration from Ultraviolet (UV) and Heat Exposure of Light-Colored Surfaces 

    This test method covers techniques to evaluate the surface discoloration of white or light-colored vulcanized rubber that may occur when subjected to UV or UV/visible exposure from specified sources under controlled conditions of relative humidity, or moisture, and temperature. 


    ASTM D1148 




    ASTM D1670 

     Standard Test Method for Failure End Point in Accelerated and Outdoor Weathering of Bituminous Materials 

    This test method covers the use of a spark generating apparatus for determination of failure due to cracking of bituminous materials undergoing accelerated or outdoor weathering on electrically conductive backings. 


    ASTM D1670 




    ASTM D3424 

     Standard Practice for Evaluating the Relative Lightfastness and Weatherability of Printed Matter 

    This standard describes procedures for the determination of the relative lightfastness and weatherability of printed matter under the following conditions, which involve exposure to natural daylight or accelerated procedures in the laboratory. 


    ASTM D3424 




    ASTM D3451 

     Standard Guide for Testing Coating Powders and Powder Coatings 

    This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing coating powders and powder coatings. The test methods included are listed in Table 1. Where more than one test method is listed for the same characteristic, no attempt is made to indicate superiority of one method over another. Selection of the methods to be followed must be governed by experience and the requirements in each individual case, together with agreement between the purchaser and the seller. 


    ASTM D3451 


    本指南规定了涂料粉末和粉末涂料测试的选择和使用程序。 测试方法已列于其中Table 1。对于某一特征,如果列出一个以上的测试方法,说明方法之间没有哪个更适合。 必须根据经验和每个案例的要求,以及买方和卖方之间的协议选择要遵循的方法。 


    ASTM D4101 

     Standard Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extrusion Materials 

    This specification covers polypropylene materials suitable for injection molding and extrusion. Polymers consist of homopolymer, copolymers, and elastomer compounded with or without the addition of impact modifiers (ethylene-propylene rubber, polyisobutylene rubber, and butyl rubber), colorants, stabilizers, lubricants, or reinforcements. 


    ASTM D4101 


    本规范规定了聚丙烯材料的注塑成型和挤出。 聚合物包括均聚物、共聚物及复合弹性体(加或不加聚异丁烯橡胶、乙丙橡胶、丁基橡胶等冲击改性剂),还有色素、稳定剂、润滑剂或增强剂。 


    ASTM D4329 

     Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV Exposure of Plastics 

    This practice covers specific procedures and test conditions that are applicable for fluorescent UV exposure of plastics conducted in accordance with Practices G151 and G154. 


    ASTM D4329 




    ASTM D4434 

     Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Sheet Roofing 

    This specification covers flexible sheet made from poly(vinyl chloride) resin as the primary polymer intended for use in single-ply roofing membranes exposed to the weather. 


    ASTM D4434 




    ASTM D4587 

     Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings 

    This practice covers the selection of test conditions for accelerated exposure testing of coatings and related products in fluorescent UV and condensation devices conducted according to Practices G151 and G154. 


    ASTM D4587 


    本测试方法规定了油漆及相关涂料在荧光紫外线和冷凝装置中根据G151 和 G154测试方法进行加速曝露测试时对测试条件的选择 


    ASTM D4674 

     Standard Practice for Accelerated Testing for Color Stability of Plastics Exposed to Indoor Office Environments 

    This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for using fluorescent light to determine color stability of plastics when materials are exposed in typical office environments where fluorescent overhead lighting and window-filtered daylight are used for illumination and where temperature and humidity conditions are in accordance with American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommendations for workers' comfort. 


    ASTM D4674 




    ASTM D4799 

     Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering Test Conditions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Fluorescent UV, Water Spray, and Condensation Method) 

    This practice describes test conditions and procedures for fluorescent UV and condensation exposures conducted according to Practices G151 and G154 for bituminous roofing and waterproofing materials that have a minimum softening point of approximately 95°C (200°F) as determined by Test Method D36. 


    ASTM D4799 


    本测试方法描述了根据G151和G154沥青屋面和防水材料(*低软化点约950) 的做法进行荧光紫外线和冷凝曝露测试的测试条件和程序。 


    ASTM D4811 

     Standard Specification for Nonvulcanized (Uncured) Rubber Sheet Used as Roof Flashing 

    This specification covers nonvulcanized (uncured) rubber sheet made of EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer) or CR (polychloroprene) intended for use as watertight roof flashing exposed to the weather. 


    ASTM D4811 




    ASTM D5208 

     Standard Practice for Fluorescent Ultraviolet (UV) Exposure of Photodegradable Plastics 

    This practice covers the specific procedures applicable for fluorescent Ultraviolet (UV) exposure of photodegradable plastics conducted in accordance with Practices G151 and G154. 


    ASTM D5208 

    光降解塑料荧光紫外线 (UV) 曝露测试的标准测试方法 

    本测试方法规定了依照G151和G154测试方法对塑料进行光降解荧光紫外线 (UV)曝露测试的具体程序和测试条件。 


    ASTM D5894 

     Standard Practice for Cyclic Salt Fog/UV Exposure of Painted Metal, (Alternating Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and a UV/Condensation Cabinet) 

    This practice covers basic principles and operating practice for cyclic corrosion/UV exposure of paints on metal; using alternating periods of exposure in two different cabinets: a cycling salt fog/dry cabinet, and a fluorescent UV/condensation cabinet. 


    ASTM D5894 


    本测试方法规定了金属上涂层循环腐蚀/紫外线暴露测试的基本原则和操作程序;在两个不同试验箱之间进行交替暴露: 一个是盐雾/干燥循环,一个是荧光紫外线/冷凝循环。 


    ASTM D6577 

     Standard Guide for Testing Industrial Protective Coatings 

    This guide covers the selection and use of test methods and procedures for testing industrial protective coatings. 


    ASTM D6577 




    ASTM D750 

     Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration Using Artificial Weathering Apparatus 

    This test method covers specific variations in the test conditions and procedures that shall be applicable when Practice G151 plus either Practice G152, G153, G154, or G155 are employed for exposure of vulcanized rubber compounds. 


    ASTM D750 




    ASTM D882 

     Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting 

    This test method covers the determination of tensile properties of plastics in the form of thin sheeting and films (less than 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) in thickness). 


    ASTM D882 




    ASTM D904 

     Standard Practice for Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to Artificial Light 

    This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for ultraviolet (UV) light aging (with or without water) of adhesive bonded joints having at least one glass or transparent adhered, using fluorescent UV (see Method A) or xenon-arc light sources (see Method B). 


    ASTM D904 




    ASTM D925 

     Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property—Staining of Surfaces (Contact, Migration, and Diffusion) 

    These test methods cover techniques to evaluate three types of staining that rubber may cause when in contact with, or in proximity to, another surface that may be light colored. 


    ASTM D925 




    ASTM E3006 

     ASTM E3006, Standard Practice for Ultraviolet Conditioning of Photovoltaic Modules or Mini-Modules Using a Fluorescent Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp Apparatus 

    This practice covers specific procedures and test conditions for performing ultraviolet conditioning exposures on photovoltaic modules or mini-modules using fluorescent ultraviolet lamps. 


    ASTM F1164 

     Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Transparent Plastics Exposed to Accelerated Weathering Combined with Biaxial Stress 

    This test method covers the resistance of transparent plastics exposed to environmental conditioning (accelerated weathering) under a biaxial stress state induced by a pressure cell/test fixture. 


    ASTM F1164 




    ASTM F1945 

     Standard Practice for Determining the Lightfastness of Ink Jet Prints Exposed to Indoor Fluorescent Lighting 

    This practice covers an accelerated procedure intended to determine the lightfastness of ink jet prints in office environments where overhead fluorescent light is used for illumination. 


    ASTM F1945 




    ASTM G151 

     Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light Sources 

    This practice provides general procedures to be used when exposing nonmetallic materials in accelerated test devices that use laboratory light sources. 


    ASTM G151 




    ASTM G154 

     Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials 

    This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for using fluorescent UV light, and water apparatus intended to reproduce the weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed to sunlight (either direct or through window glass) and moisture as rain or dew in actual usage. 


    ASTM G154 




    EN 13523-10 (DIN) 

     Coil Coated Metals - Test Methods Part 10: Resistance to Fluorescent UV Radiation and Water Condensation  


    GM 9125P 

     Procedures for Laboratory Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Materials  

    These procedures are used to determine the resistance to degradation of automotive materials when subjected to artificial light sources. It describes exposures to sunshine carbon arc, xenon arc, fluorescent ultraviolet light and condensation apparatus, and a twin carbon arc. 


    GM 9125P 


    这些程序用于测定受到人造光源照射时汽车材料的抗降解能力。 它描述了日光型碳弧、氙弧、荧光紫外线和冷凝装置和双碳弧的暴露测试。 


    IEC 61215 

     Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovaltalic (PV) Modules - Design Qualification and Type Approval 


    IEC 61215 



    IEC 61345 

     UV Test for Photovaltalic (PV) Modules 


    IEC 61345 



    ISO 11507 (EN) (DIN) 

     Paints and Varnishes - Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering- Exposure to fluorescent UV lamps and water 

    This International Standard specifies exposure conditions for paint coatings exposed to artificial weathering in apparatus including fluorescent UV lamps and condensation or water spray. 


    ISO 11507 (EN) (DIN) 

    色漆和清漆 – 涂料的人工老化曝露测试–曝露于荧光紫外线灯管和水 



    ISO 29664 

     Plastics - Artificial weathering including acidic deposition 


    ISO 4892-1 (EN) (DIN) 

     Plastics – Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources – Part 1: General guidance 


    ISO 4892-1 (EN) (DIN) 

    塑料–使用实验室光源进行曝露测试的方法–*部分 一般指导 


    ISO 4892-3 (EN) (DIN) 

     Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources - Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps 


    ISO 4892-3 (EN) (DIN) 

    塑料–使用实验室光源进行曝露测试的方法–第三部分 荧光紫外灯 


    SAE J2020 

     Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Exterior Materials Using a Fluorescent UV and Condensation Apparatus 


    SAE J2020 



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东莞市高升电子精密科技有限公司 电话:0769-83110798 手机:18128028677 地址: 东莞市大朗镇新园一路6号创意产业园B栋1楼